// coming soon



Learn, practice, master:
CSS Selectors for simpler coding.

By nana & Ryan

Still confused how CSS Selectors actually work with all unfamiliar symbols?

// What you will learn


No More Guesswork,Target Correct Elements

Learn how to find and style the right parts of your webpage with correct selectors. This course guides you through mastering CSS selectors using clear and practical examples. You'll gain the skills to style webpages efficiently and precisely for your projects.

No More Guesswork,

Don't Fear Complexity,Understand Advanced Selectors

Feel confident with complicated CSS. This course provides step-by-step guidance, making the advanced selectors easy to learn. You'll learn to use advanced selectors with ease, making your web designs stand out with less effort.

Don't Fear Complexity,

No More Unnecessary JavaScript,Go with CSS Selectors

Reduce your reliance on JavaScript. This course teaches you to achieve similar interactivity through CSS selectors. With this techniques, your websites will be faster and easier to manage.

No More Unnecessary JavaScript,

Stop Inefficient CSS,Optimise Selector Performance

Learn to write cleaner, more efficient CSS code. This course simplifies key ideas like Specificity and teaches you to check how performant your selectors are.

Stop Inefficient CSS,

Not Just Principles,Learn Practical Solutions

Gain hands-on experience with CSS selectors. This course goes beyond basic principles to offer real-world CSS solutions. You will have the skills to create sophisticated applications with confidence.

Not Just Principles,

// Who is this course for?

* This course is for everyone *



This course is beginner friendly!
No prior CSS knowledge required. We begin with the simple basics of CSS Selectors, gently progressing to more complex topics. Start your CSS learning journey with us!



Taking the next step?
This course warmly invites intermediates to deepen your CSS Selectors knowledge. Let's build on your foundation and explore more challenging concepts together!



Ready to master CSS Selectors?
For advanced learners, this course offers in-depth exploration of CSS Selectors. Dive into complex strategies and enhance your web development skills with us!

// Created by

  • nana

    Hello, I am nana and a product designer who loves CSS magic. 🧙🏻‍♀️

    I shared a CSS selectors cheat sheet 5 years ago, which many people have loved. Now CSS selectors are more crucial than ever. Also, I have felt a deep responsibility to update the CSS electors.

    So, I have collaborated with Ryan to create this CSS Selectors course to help everyone easily understand CSS Selectors.

    Let's learn CSS Selectors magic together. 🔮

  • Ryan Yu
    Ryan Yu

    Hi 👋, I'm Ryan based in Sydney, Australia.

    I've spent almost 20 years working as a frontend engineer, leading a variety of projects and making extensive use of CSS Selectors in complex environments.

    I'm genuinely excited to share my knowledge and assist you in learning how to effectively use CSS selectors for your projects.

    I'm looking forward to welcoming you to the course soon!